Sunshine Insurance Account Executives Recognized For Exam Passes

NASSAU, Bahamas (March 5, 2015) – Three Sunshine Insurance account executives have been recognized for passing various insurance exams – one of whom attained a distinction.
The Bahamas Insurance Association held its annual awards reception and ceremony at the Nassau Yacht Club in March.
The event is designed to highlight the achievements of the employees of member companies who were successful in their various professionally-recognized exams.
Sunshine Senior Account Executive, Lia Munroe passed a Chartered Insurance Institute exam with Distinction (P81 Insurance Broking Practice). She attained the Diploma in Insurance (DIP CII) designation. Sunshine Account Executive (Group Health & Life Department), Kenya Mycklewhyte passed the Life Office Management Association (LOMA 301) exam and Account Executive, Cerys Howells passed the a Chartered Insurance Institute Exam (IF6 Household Insurance Products). Howells also attained the Certificate in Insurance (Cert CII) designation.
Sunshine Insurance VP of Operations, Shelly Wilson applauded her executives for their efforts.
“Professional development has always been an important part of Sunshine Insurance’s corporate philosophy. We believe that in supporting our staff. It not only improves the company, but the individual long-term,” she said.
“We salute these three employees for their dedication to the company and their individual professional development.”
Sunshine VP of Development, Dwayne Swaby also said he was pleased with his executives’ achievements.
“It’s encouraging to see that our staff are excelling in not only their work environment, but also their studies. We look forward to the continued development of our staff. We, at Sunshine, will do what we can to support them in this regard.”
Coordinator of the BIA, Dr. Rhonda Chipman-Johnson noted that this year there was a larger number of individuals receiving various designations – in particular the associates.
Chairman of the BIA, Howard Knowles congratulated the students who passed individual subjects and encouraged them to continue pursuing their studies.
“We also note that this year several students sat and passed, in some cases, multiple subjects. I think that is a very good development and trend,” said Knowles. “We’re also encouraged this year by the fact that there’s a larger number of students who have attained the associate designation. Dr. Chipman has tabulated it and calculated it and she says that it is an increase of approximately 43 percent and I think you should be commended.”
Superintendent of the Insurance Commission, Michele Fields applauded each of the awardees for making an investment in themselves.
“It’s an investment that required commitment and sacrifice. It’s an investment that required motivation and hard work. It’s an investment that indicates a desire for upward mobility,” said Fields.
“Tonight’s celebration is an acknowledgement of people with the desire for self-development, having the discipline to fulfil that desire. I have the greatest of respect for each of you, who left work and went home to study. Attaining industry specific accreditation ensures more in-depth knowledge . . . and it no doubt enhances your prospects in the job market. I also encourage the employers who encourage their staff to develop themselves. These are employers who recognize that the success of their business is linked to the competence of their employees.”