Sunshine Insurance Scholarship Competition Opens

Sunshine Insurance (Agents & Brokers) Ltd.’s 15th annual Elmira College essay competition is officially open.
The contest gives 10th, 11th and 12th grade students an opportunity to win $150,000 in scholarships. The first place winner takes home $60,000 scholarship and the three runners-up will each receive $30,000 scholarships.
This year’s topic is, “If given the opportunity to start a business, what would your new product or service be?”
Last year, St. Andrew’s student, Janae Seymour beat out nine other students to win the top prize – a $60,000 scholarship to attend Elmira College in New York.
“Sunshine Insurance is incredibly proud to continue on with the Elmira College scholarship competition. It’s just further proof of our commitment to community and to the youth of our nation,” said Sunshine Insurance Marketing Coordinator, Rogan Smith.
“We want to encourage high school students, particularly government school and Family Island students, to enter the competition. These are very difficult financial times for Bahamian families, but just by entering and winning a top spot, these students have the ability to help their parents. The money goes a long way.”
Mrs. Smith said Sunshine Insurance is also “grateful to Elmira College for the commitment it has shown to not only Sunshine Insurance, but The Bahamas by continuing with the competition.”
“We hope to continue our partnership in the years to come,” she said.
Essays must be three to five pages, 12-point size, double-spaced and must be submitted along with an entry form.
Entry forms may be downloaded from Sunshine Insurance’s website, They may also be obtained at Sunshine Insurance’s offices on Shirley Street and Baillou Hill Road.
Students have until Tuesday, October25th to enter and essays must be emailed to
This year, only electronic submissions will be accepted.
“We’d also like to encourage those who are entering the contest to continue to monitor our company’s website. That is where we will be placing all updates,” said Mrs. Smith.
Family Island students must be able to travel to New Providence to present their ideas if they are chosen as a finalist.
Presentations will take place on Saturday, November 12th.